What is Print On Demand?

Modified on Wed, 12 Jun 2024 at 10:03 PM


What is Print On Demand?

Print On Demand (POD) prints books individually or in small batches as needed, with direct shipping from our printers within about two weeks. Please be aware that our website does not distinguish between POD and in-stock products. 

How can I identify a Print On Demand title on my order?

Informational text related to the product line will appear on the invoice, indicating either "Product will be supplied within 2 weeks" or "Shipping separately within two weeks", as illustrated in the examples below:


Print On Demand orders are shipped directly from the printer to the customer. The packaging may not display Sage branding. A delivery note will include the Sage invoice number for reference. Customers are invoiced by Sage. Any expenses listed on the printer's paperwork do not require payment.

Contact Information

For UK, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, please contact our Customer Services Team by completing our Contact Us Form, email orders@sagepub.co.uk or call Books Customer Services on +44 (0)20 7324 8703 Monday to Friday between 9am to 5pm GMT.

For North, Central and South America, please contact our Customer Services Team by completing our Contact Us Form, emailing customerservice@corwin.com or calling Customer Services on 800-233-9936 Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm PT. 

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